Sunday, December 30, 2012

Mistake N°80: "Waiting for the end of the world"

Are you still waiting for the end of the world? Well, stop waiting! It did not happen; and it's very unlikely it will. It is incredible to think that so many people thought ( I admit I even thought about it) the world would end is some sort of apocalyptic way: flames and all.
The world will end someday, but not today. Relax.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mistake N° 85: "Good things DO NOT last forever"

Believing that all good things last forever is probably one of the worst mistakes we make. But life knows best...oh yes the bitch does, and we should too, but we constantly grab ourselves to the illusion (or delusion) that everything good that happens to us will eventually stay.
Unfortunately reality tells different, and the only thing for us left to do is to enjoy those good moments as long as we can.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Bucket List for 2011

One:Get a job
Two: Keep it
Three: Get a makeover
Four: Like it
No so sure yet
Five: Leave my parents house
On hold
Six: Finish that book
Seven:Find a boyfriend
Eight: Keep it
Better luck next year
Nine:Write a bucket list
Eight: Accomplish it
Six out of ten
Not so bad

Friday, December 23, 2011

Mistake n° 88 'Waiting for Santa to bring you that special present'

In honor of Xmas time, this piece of advice is dedicated to children (adults too)...
Listen children, do not wait for Santa to bring you that present you were waiting for the whole year. Experience has taught me that we do not always get what we want, and you should learn that too. Or if you prefer just think that Santa forgets too.
So children (and you adults too) stop being so bloody tiresome and ,if you don't get the present you wanted, just smile and say 'thank you'.
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mistake nÂș 90 "Why don't you keep your mouth shut?"

How many times haven't we find ourselves asking 'why didn't I keep my mouth shut?' So many complicated situations could have been avoided, how many hearts unbroken, how many guilty regrets afterwards...
Being a person who constantly speaks without thinking, I know how difficult it is don't say what's on the tip of your tongue. Those little bloody butterflies coming out of your mouth, unable to catch them before it's too late. And when all it's said and done, well my friends ....just face the consequences.
Lean to keep your mouth shut!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Mistake N° 95 'Waiting desperately for someone to comment on your blog'

DO NOT, I repeat, do not wait desperately for someone to comment on your new blog inmediately. Believe I have done that, and it doesn't take you anywhere. Be always aware that it could take days, weeks, months, even years to see that precious comment you are waiting for. And sometimes it isn't worth the wait. Take it easy.